The Two Cuban Girls and a Bald Guy caught up to talk about this bizarre quarantine experience. I mean it’s necessary but it’s bizarre and unnatural. It was nice though to catch up and chat with friends even if we’re not able to travel to Latin America to make videos right now.
Want to know what else is unnatural yet incredibly delightful? Catching up with 2 Cuban Girls and a Bald Guy, in quarantine, on Zoom: Zuzy Martin Lynch, Ken Deckinger and Marissa Daniela watching Croqueta the dog swim in a pool in full lock-down bliss.
Two Cuban Girls and a Bald Guy + Louie Estrada
Add a little bit of Chef Louie Estrada, chef and owner of My Cuban Spot in Brooklyn to the mix and you’ll almost forget that you’re staring into a computer screen. You will though learn what inspired us to host our first ever live online cooking class. Speaking of which, if you want to learn how to make the best ropa vieja, here’s the recipe.

If you want more of Louie’s food (who doesn’t), join the list for an invite to his upcoming live online Ropa Vieja class next week. It’s on Tuesday, June 9th at 4pm. We recommend you RSVP because over 500 people are interested and there are only 100 spots for active particpation.

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