As you know, our Questions of the Week typically center around issues of importance to Cuban Americans, Puerto Rico, and the general Latinx community. So, this week’s Question of the Week could feel like a stretch. But the Wall Street vs. Main Street conversation takes place everywhere, in all communities.
And we are truly curious about our audience’s take on the issue.
GameStop, which makes most of its money selling video games in stores across America, saw its stock price rise up to 1,700% last week, backed by fans who believe it was unfairly undervalued by large investors who had bet billions that its stock would fall. Individual investors purchased the retailer’s stock en masse, pushing the stock price up and forcing the large investors to spend billions of dollars to cover their losses. GameStop’s meteoric rise and the manipulation of the market is indicative of inequality in America, says an opinion piece in The Washington Post.
GameStop’s meteoric rise and the manipulation of the market is indicative of inequality in America, says an opinion piece in The Washington Post.
For this week’s Question of the Week we want to know what you think. Who’s the blame? Or, better yet, who’s side are you on? All responses are anonymous.
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