It’s no secret that we’re into at least three to four cafecitos a day around here at Startup Cuba. And, we also don’t shy away from our worship of Café Bustelo. It’s not that we don’t love the other stuff too. We do. We so do. There are many good coffees out there and we love just about all of them. But, for us, Café Bustelo tastes great (not to mention they’ve had our back).
So that’s why we approached them with the idea of loading you up with a year’s supply of their legendary cafe bricks. And by year’s supply, of course we mean… free.
They said yes, by the way. For three people. Three people will walk away with a year supply.
Here’s the deal: between Tuesday, October 5th and Monday, November 15th, 2021, we’re going to be collecting entries to give three people one-year’s worth of Café Bustelo. You can enter as many times as you’d like, and you can get additional entries by telling your friends.
That’s pretty much it. It’s straight forward. Put your name on the list and see if you randomly get picked to receive a massive amount of cafecito to your home, courtesy of Startup Cuba and our friends, Café Bustelo.
Related Post: Do You Prefer Café Bustelo, La Llave or Pilon?
(Hero Image Photo: Karen Vierbuchen)
Regarding Cafe Bustelo,
Many years ago, my father, newscaster Hector Aguilar (1926-2016) who was one of the pioneers of Spanish language media in the US on radio and TV–was also the spokesman for Cafe Bustelo!
His picture showing off a little cup with the slogan, “Bustelo, ese es,” was used in bus ads by NY & NJ transit systems. He also was the on-air announcer for the coffee.
His archives are held at the Smithsonian Institution, American History Museum, and the Cuban Legacy Collection at the University of Miami, Goldberg Library. I tried including a photo of the ads but was not able to copy-paste to this message.
MJ Aguilar, PhD
MJ – Thank you for sharing this fascinating story. We’ll follow up with you by email for the photo!