Here's how you can share one of your favorite photos with the almost 2,000 people on our pre-registration email list.
Trying a midair GoPro shot in Ecuador. #NeedMorePractice
Email It to Me
The website for our new photography community is being built. In the meantime, send me your favorite photo. I’ll show it off in my next email to our pre-registration email list. Email your photo* directly to me at
Make sure to send:
The photo 😉
Your name and your location.
Your social media and/or a website that you want people to visit.
The photo you send me will be credited to you. You’ll retain all copyright. 100%. The photo is yours – I just want to share it so people see how groovy you are.
Ken Deckinger is the co-founder and CEO of Startup Cuba and the executive producer and host of its namesake docuseries. A native of South Florida, Ken has been an entrepreneur for his entire professional career. Previously he was co-founder and CEO of HurryDate, pioneering the global concept of speed dating to 45 cities throughout the US, UK and Canada. HurryDate eventually evolved into online dating and was acquired by Spark Networks, the parent company of and Ken is a graduate of Boston College and the University of Florida, where he was honored with the University’s Alumni Entrepreneur of the Year Under 40 award and sits on the Board for the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. He actively advises entrepreneurs and is a two-time protagonist of a Harvard Business School case study. Ken’s filmmaking and journalistic journey is inspired by a love of travel and authentic connections with other cultures. He believes that the more we know about each other, through stories, the closer we can become — thus the mission of Startup Cuba: to amplify the voices of the people sharing stories in the Latinx space. After living in New York City for 15 years, he encouraged his wife to move their family to Miami to get back to his South Florida roots. Needless to say, it was a short discussion and he and his family now call Boston, where his wife grew up, their home.
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